Introduction to PE Research: Resources / Links
Pharmacoepidemiology Lectures
Click on the links below to access videos* and slides of introductory lectures by Til Sturmer on the following pharmacoepidemiology topics:
*A password is required to access videos. Email Amy at for the password.
What is pharmacoepidemiology? video slides
Drug, outcome, and comorbidity data video slides
Methodological challenges in PE video slides
Study design solutions video slides
Propensity scores video slides
Disease risk scores video slides
Non-uniform treatment effects video slides
Instrumental variables video slides
Validation studies video slides
Immortal time bias video slides
Adherence & persistence video slides
Patients treated contrary to prediction video slides
Variability in treatments & variable selection (including hdPS) video slides
Potentially inappropriate prescribing video slides
Where to begin? Thirty must-read papers for newcomers to pharmacoepidemiology
An excellent resource covering the most important aspects for persons new to the field of pharmacoepidemiology. A number of these publications have been authored by the UNC faculty:
Methodological considerations when analysing and interpreting real-world data. Rheumatology. 2020; 59(1): 14–25. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kez320 | , , , , , .
Misclassification in administrative claims data: quantifying the impact on treatment effect estimates. Curr Epidemiol Rep. 2014; 1(4): 175–185. doi: 10.1007/s40471-014-0027-z | , .
Increasing levels of restriction in pharmacoepidemiologic database studies of elderly and comparison with randomized trial results. Med Care. 2007; 45(10 Supl 2): S131–S142. doi:10.1097/MLR.0b013e318070c08e | , , , et al.
Other Resources
- Department of Epidemiology – Healthcare Epidemiology and Pharmacoepidemiology Program area
- UNC School of Pharmacy
- International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE) – The professional association that promotes pharmacoepidemiology and hosts an annual conference
- Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety – a journal focused on pharmacoepidemiology research
- UNC Pharmacoepidemiology Program
- Sheps Center
- The Society of Epidemiologic Research, SER
- American College of Epidemiology, ACE
- PubMedCentral